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How to Change WI-FI Password

How to change WIFI Password Verizon

WIFI connections are the tools that allow us to make an internet connection completely wireless, and therefore provide internet to mobile and local devices, very easily and with plenty of advantages.

However, wireless connections must be protected with a password so they cannot be used by intruders, affecting the bandwidth and general speed of the network and also involving security risks. Today we will be learning about the process of how to change a password on Verizon WIFI routers for FIOS service and general internet infrastructure provided by this company.

Steps to change WIFI password on Verizon FIOS service using Tenda AC1200, TP-Link Archer C3150, Lynksys AC1200 and Asus RT-AC68U routers:

Here are the steps to follow and change the WIFI password on Verizon:

  • To start the process, we need a computer, laptop or even a mobile phone that must be connected to the WIFI network we want to change the password. In case we are using a computer, we can connect the device wired-wise through Ethernet ports.
  • On the computer or mobile device, we are going to open a new window or tab, and on the address bar we will be entering the IP address “”, and then we press Enter on the keyboard. In case the URL address does not correspond, you can check it on the router itself on the back.
  • A prompt window will appear, asking the user to enter credentials. User Name and Password. By default, Verizon routers from different brands allow entering the configuration by writing “admin” on the name, and “password” on the password space.
  • Now we are on the router´s configuration and settings. So, on the menu placed at the left there is an option called “Settings”, which is general.
  • In “Settings” the user may change the WIFI password on Verizon emitters directly. Click on “Password” space bar and enter the new one that will provide access to the network. It is recommendable to use WAP2 encryption for better security, avoiding the WEP type since is too weak at present time.
  • To apply the changes, just click on “Save” and the configuration will be saved. The router will reset automatically, depending on the model and firmware of the device.

Changing the name of the SSID and other useful processes on Verizon WIFI

Now that we have changed the WIFI password on Verizon routers, we may also change the name of the network or SSID, to have it custom and as another layer of protection. To do so:

  • Open a new window or tab on a browser of choice.
  • Enter the IP address “” on the address bar.
  • On the prompt window, enter the routers credentials. Default information is “admin” for User Name and “password” for the access key.
  • On the router´s homepage, click on “Settings” as an option on the main menu on the left.
  • On the SSID space bar, you can simply click and edit the name of the network.
  • Click on “Save” and the name of the network will be applied.

For more security, the configuration on the Verizon WIFI router allows to hide the SSID, establish a MAC filter and even create a Guest network, through the Settings option.