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How to Change WI-FI Password

How to change WIFI Password PLDT router

WIFI passwords are very important tools nowadays, being the way in which we can protect our personal WIFI network from intruders at our homes, offices or any other places. Not only that, with a proper WIFI password configured, we will be able to protect personal information and access to mobile devices connected to the network, which is critical for privacy.

We are going to be showing you how to change WIFI passwords on PLDT routers, in many different models to offer reliability and security in general, following a few simple steps.

Applying new WIFI password on different PLDT router models

Steps are similar for many PLDT router models we will be addressing, all we need is a computer, laptop or even smartphone connected to the router, physically or via WIFI.

For Home DSL Model

  • Using your favorite internet browser, on the address bar enter the IP address β€œ192.168.1.1” or β€œ192.168.1254”.
  • When the router asks for credentials, in User Name write β€œadminpldt” and for Password write β€œ1234567890”. Other credentials that might work are β€œadmin” for User Name and β€œ1234” for the password.
  • Click on β€œLog in”.
  • In the main menu click on β€œSettings”.
  • Now, select the option β€œWireless LAN” and then β€œSecurity”.
  • In the β€œPre-Shared Key” section, enter a new password.
  • Click on β€œApply Changes” and then β€œSave” a few seconds later to finish the process.

For Home Fibr/Fiber Models

  • Type the IP address β€œ192.168.1.1” on the address bar on an internet browser.
  • For credentials, in User Name space type β€œadminpldt” and in Password enter the numbers β€œ1234567890”.
  • Click on the β€œLog in” option.
  • On the top menu, first click on β€œNetwork” and then on β€œAdvanced”.
  • In the SSID Name section, change the password where it says β€œPassphrase”.
  • Select the option β€œApply” and the process is done.

For Home Prepaid Smart LTE model

  • For Home Prepaid Smart LTE models, open a new browser tab and enter the URL β€œ”. Entering the default IP of the router β€œ192.168.1.1” would work just fine.
  • Login credentials are in the routerΒ΄s manual and written on the device.
  • Once you have entered, select the option β€œSettings” and then β€œWIFI Settings” on the menu on the left.
  • In the β€œNetwork Name (SSID)” section, enter a new access key in the β€œPassword” space.
  • Click on β€œApply” and changes will be applied.

For Home Fibr Huawei HG8145V model

  • On a new browser window type the IP β€œ192.168.1.1” to access the device.
  • At the prompt window, enter credentials β€œadminpldt” and β€œ1234567890” for User Name and Password, respectively.
  • On the left, click on β€œWLAN” and the on β€œ2.4G Basic Network Settings”.
  • Select the option β€œEnable WLAN”.
  • In the β€œWPA Pre-Shared Key” enter a new password.
  • Click on β€œApply” to save changes.

For My DSL ProLink H5004N-PRS1241B models

  • Access the router by entering the IP β€œ192.168.1.1” on a browser window or tab.
  • For User Name enter β€œadminpldt” and for Password enter β€œ1234567890”. Click on β€œOK”.
  • On the menu on the left, select the options β€œWireless” and then β€œSecurity”, respectively.
  • In β€œPre-Shared Key” introduce a new password.
  • Click on β€œApply Changes” and done.

For Home Ultera Model

  • In this case, to access the router enter the IP β€œ192.168.22.1” on the internet browser of choice.
  • For User Name and Password, type the word β€œhomebro” on both of them.
  • Select β€œLog in” to enter the router.
  • On the left side, click on β€œWireless” and then on β€œSecurity”.
  • In the Pre-Shared Key section type a new a strong password.
  • Select β€œModify” to apply changes.