WIFI is a technology that definitely is a must these days in every house, business, office or any space in general where people are going to be spending some time, in order to enjoy wireless connection to the internet in a fast, secure and reliable way.
Now, to enjoy WIFI properly there is the need of having a proper emitting device, which can be provided by the ISP or bought separately by the user in case of requiring a stronger wireless router to cover more surface, along with other unique needs users might have.
Nonetheless, having the router installed physically to the network is the first step to enjoy of a proper WIFI service, requiring some parameters in the settings to provide the best and most secure connection as possible, to avoid intruders, decreasing in speed connection and more importantly; access to sensitive or personal data through unsecure wireless connection.
This is why it is so important to change and set the WIFI password as soon as possible when the service is up and running, as an easy to process to carry out on the Sagemcom Fast 5260 model that is provided by several ISP companies. Let´s get started with the procedure.
Establishing the physical connections to set WIFI
First things firsts. To start setting the WIFI password and access the Sagemcom FST5260 wireless router, certain steps must be followed to establish a physical connection and be able to enter the configuration and change the password, along other functions on the device very easily.
For that, we will be needing a local personal computer or laptop with an “Ethernet” or RJ45 port, along with the modem, the router and the whole infrastructure installed related to the ISP. Then, we follow the next steps:
- Connect the Samgem Fast 5260 wireless router to the modem provided by the ISP via the “LAN” port on it, to the “WAN” port on the router to establish the physical connection.
- Then, connect the wireless router from any of the “LAN” ports on it to the computer or laptop where the settings will be carried out, through the “Ethernet” or RJ45 port, also known as “LAN” in most of the cases.
Now that the physical connection is ready between modem, router and computer the setting process to establish WIFI password can be started, along with other valuable functions that guarantee the security of the network broadcasting, keeping away intruders and other potential risks.
Setting a WIFI password on the Sagemcom Fast 5260 / FST5260 easily
With the router connected to a computer physically we will be able to set a WIFI password to protect the connection, and generally access to the device and modify virtually any configuration for the best functioning of the network, according to specific needs and requirements. To change WIFI password on the Sagemcom Fast 5260 the next steps must be followed:
- Open a new tab or window using the internet browser of choice, always recommending them being updated to the last version. Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge are good choices to pick and will get the job done on any PC or laptop running Windows, MAC, Linux and even Android.
- To access the wireless router and get to the main menu, enter the IP address “” on the URL address space on the tab browser, and then press “Enter” on the keyboard. In some cases, the IP address might be different and in fact can be changed. Another option in case access is denied is “”.
- At this point, a prompt window will appear on the browser asking for security credentials to access the router. Usually, default information to enter is “admin” as password and also user word to enter the device. In case access is denied, other credentials to try might be “user123” for user name and “password” for password.
- When credentials are introduced the right way, we get access immediately to the router and its options, with a main menu located on the center where functions and settings are divided by categories.
- To change the WIFI password on the router, we are going to click on the option “WIFI 2.4 GHz” on the main menu.
- Then, several options to choose from are available. We will be selecting the “Basic” tab on the top.
- After that, we introduce the password that will be protecting the WIFI connection on “Password” while SSID or name of the network and security can be changed in here as well. It is recommendable for such password to be alphanumerical and without including personal information or sequential numbers.
- To apply changes, we click on “Apply” and a prompt window will say that all changes will be applied after the router is reset. The router will reset automatically and the password to protect WIFI and the network in general is also set and good to go on the Sagemcom Fast 5260.
In case accessing the wireless router is impossible using the default credentials, there is a chance such information has been changed previously for custom password and user. To return the wireless router to default settings and be able to access, reset the device pressing the “Reset” button on the back for at least 10 seconds.
Recommendations to have a better security respecting WIFI
Now that the WIFI password is set, there are other advices and functions available on the Sagemcom wireless router to have better security and avoid intruders and unauthorized access to the network, which are:
- MAC Filtering: with the MAC filtering option only those devices with their MAC addresses previously registered on the router will be the only ones accessing the network. Even those with access to the WIFI password would not be able to enter thanks to this function.
- Disable SSID broadcasting: SSID is the name of the WIFI network and when it is broadcasting all devices nearby can “see” it. Therefore, disabling SSID broadcasting add another layer of security to the WIFI, since almost any device cannot see it unless is added manually.
- Guests Network: setting a guest network is a great recommendation if the function is available, perfect for guests that come to the house or office and ask for WIFI, accessing another entirely different network than the main one, with different password, SSID and even available bandwidth that can be set.